56Friends 1Fans
North of Boston, New England, United States

Also a lot of other characters (including OC's)

Possibly 3 lizards in a human suit, looking for the perfect mammal to curl up next to and stay warm. (I promise we will eat you last when the lizards take over the Earth)
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Text sent to my mom this AM, because her buttermilk biscuits are out of this world:
1 years ago 18
Daamn guys, the Cider Mill Art Gallery in New Boston NH made my jewelry look GOOD. WOW.
1 years ago 3
1 years ago 15
It's been a week - and yep, he is headed back to the ED.

Seriously, not enough duck tape and bubble wrap.
1 years ago 5
My character pushes yours against the wall and kisses them. Now what?
1 years ago 24
Things I have not done while cov pos - gone out of my yard until this weekend. And then I wore a mask in public.
Beading - left all my beading needles and thread at work. I have TONS of beads, no freaking thread.

Things I have done while cov pos -
dyed my hair a lighter blue
cleaned the bathroom
put privacy film over bathroom windows
1 years ago 3
So, I think my cat is trying to kill me. She, KNOWING that I am sick, has not left me alone for a moment, even going as far as to lick my cheek (tasting me obviously) to sniffing my eyeball and laying right over my coughing, achy lungs. Now I know cats will eat their owners after death, but really! I swear, my husband will keep feeding her! Why, cat, WHY?
1 years ago 23
(rw, adult convo, illness) So I WAS going to post about how good we did at Maine Renn Faire. But then Bear caught covid. & yesterday I tested pos for covid.

& then last night I had coughing fits so severe I couldn't catch my breath - it was like a membrane across my breathing tube, not allowing me to breathe. So after a sucktastic night I called my pcp