♥ WENMIN , (:
15Friends 4Fans
female Singapore
I just simply rockk.:-D
You Found Me mmv ~The Fray
♥ WENMIN , (: has
14 years ago 1
4 new hamsters ! <3 LOVES.
♥ WENMIN , (:
14 years ago
Whoo karma just keeps going down damn.
♥ WENMIN , (:
14 years ago 2
sucks t be ill ! & CNY's just 2 days away):
♥ WENMIN , (: wants
14 years ago
t go t sch before th pile of work stacks up D:
♥ WENMIN , (: was
14 years ago
unable t go t sch today due t cough+sorethroat+blocked nose ):
♥ WENMIN , (: wonders
14 years ago
why th internet's connection is turning so slow.
♥ WENMIN , (:
14 years ago 1
Ugh , not feeling well.): Sucks man. Sucks.
♥ WENMIN , (: says
14 years ago 1
i love my yufang aiai ;D Although I wished her happy b'day yesterday, happy (belated) b'day ! ;D
♥ WENMIN , (:
14 years ago
what a birthday.):
♥ WENMIN , (:
14 years ago 3
horrible. At first it was great , but now it's horrible.