12Friends 10Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
晚餐吃同事從cosco買回來的烤雞腿和以諾的蛋花湯~好期待~~ :-P
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
Kitchen in May: Angel cake&Beef bourguignon! Sports Month: Tennis and American Football! :-)
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
Realized it took a lot of courage and sorrow to delete some past photoes...
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
亞洲金融風暴。始於1997年7月﹐當時泰國政府的債務危機導致泰銖大幅貶值﹐然後在整個亞洲引起了類似的危機﹐讓很多人擔心危機最終可能會蔓延至整個世界。 俄羅斯盧比貶值。後果之一就是長期資本管理公司破產。阿根廷政府債務/貨幣危機。
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
Note: Fri. Play Tennis Sat.母親節 Sun. Bake cake( Set tangible goal and cheer up!)
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
Note: If you want a husband, find one like our Richard L., he treats everyone sincerely and you can tell he cares about everyone's feeling!
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
The growth in the first quarter's gross domestic product accelerated from the 10.7% reported in the fourth quarter of 2009.
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
#include <stdio.h> int main() {int money; money: 24+32+56 Printf("helloworld\n"); printf("money: %d\n", money); system("pause")}
Bella_W 正在
14 years ago
Then I hung a nice row of cooking implements on the kitchen wall, including my daisy can-opener and a Magnagrip, which make me feel at home.