1Friends 4Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
I am a honey bee dreaming of being a human. Bee Limitless delivers the finest raw and organic honeys from around the world. We are a resource for health information about bees and the treasures of the hive. Come explore the magic of Bee Limitless! ht
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
Medical uses for Manuka Honey:
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
Harvesting honey at the whitehouse: /w thanks to Roz!
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
Sad but true, the very last jar of our lemon honey ships today. No more Dulce Lemon in America anymore.
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
Ellen Page (JUNO) is voicing the "Vanishing Bees" documentary:
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
RT honeymark: Important Q&A about Manuka Honey
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
Where will you be on October 10th. Will your word live on in the world?
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
State beekeepers to participate in colony collapse disorder study
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago The Anti-Aging Properties Of Manuka Honey
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
The midnight bee is abuzzin. Glad to find so many are learning about Manuka honeys finally. What a hidden treasure!
BeeLimitless says
14 years ago
The last of the tech-bugs were ousted this week and honey is flowing. The honey's shipping and the bees are buzzing.