53Friends 60Fans
female Wellesley, MA, United States
aka smhamilton
I'm a middle school technology curriculum specialist who loves Web 2.0 tools, Macs and, of course, beagles!
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 10
I'm teaching a Web2.0 class. Please say "hi"
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 1
Photojojo's Flickr tools
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 1
I just read The Year of the Fog by Michelle Richmond--couldn't put it down! Compelling, beautifully written story!
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 12
today is my birthday! I've had too many to count!
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 1
my goal: Plurk, don't Lurk!
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago
gotta run errands then back to work on a free-lance web design project-my first :-D Really excited to start doing this kind of work!
BeagleMom shares
16 years ago 5
reading Water for Elephants--can't put it down!
BeagleMom feels
16 years ago 1
glad it's summer :-D My favorite time of year!
BeagleMom thinks
16 years ago
there are some many exciting things to read on the web, and so little time! Plurk, Twitter, Nings, Blogs, Wikis & backlog on Google Reader!
BeagleMom feels
16 years ago 1
frustrated-computer won't load Plurk comments so I can read them and add my $.02 :'-( Is it a conspiracy to steal my karma?!!??