14Friends 6Fans
female Saint Augustine, FL, United States
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Get out the Vote!
Basye wonders
16 years ago
Why can't Gov. WTF of Alaska string together enough words to form a coherent sentence?
Basye loves
16 years ago
President Obama!!!!!111!!!!
Basye wonders
16 years ago 2
When McCain will concede the election.
Basye is
16 years ago
watching SNL, and wonders if Tina Fey is going to be relieved to stop playing Sarah Palin at last.
Basye wants
16 years ago
to raid the halloween treat bowl by teh front door.
Basye thinks
16 years ago
It's time to remind family members to vote early!
Basye has
16 years ago
just voted early for my man, O. Let's hope it counts this time. (dance)
Basye loves
16 years ago
the smell of Schadenfreude in the morning! (tongue)
16 years ago
just informed that oldest kiddo has mono--no school for awhile. Cutting off a teen's social life is a death sentence to them! :-(