15Friends 7Fans
female Singapore
cantik, penggemar warna kuning dan makanan pedas. bisa main gitar n piano. sayang ma seorang cowo, n suka dengan satu cowok lain. :-D
jail..sense of humorx tinggi, lucu, suka bnget ma bakso sapi, tapi ga suka coklat n donat..
10 years ago
time to move on sharon.. it might be weird and difficult at first, udh ga ada tmn chat tiap hr.. its just not him.. we just have to find someone else who can fit us better :-)
10 years ago
yeah.. and it ended. everything. aku diem malah disalahin jg, pdhl tiap kli dy slalu diem. oh well.. no more reason to stay.
10 years ago
2 days without any conversation... he doesnt even care that im not coming home yet at 11.30 !!! he doesnt support me for like alot of things. so i shd just go rite?? and breakup?? :-(
10 years ago
why must he always see it as a competition? i didnt even think of winning. nor opposing him, but thats what he thinks. so, i just stopped replying so i wont 'oppose' him or look like i want to win again.
10 years ago
i know he doesnt want me to go, im glad cos it means he loves me. he cares abt my existence.. i was just trying to open his viewpoint, its not only like what he told me. there r other reasons for evrything
10 years ago
going aussie is a big decision. but im hesitating to leave him.. but even if i go, our daily life dont change much as we seldom see each other now anyway..
10 years ago
he can always think of alternatives, win win solution for daily relationship rite? not only win win solution when we quarell rite...blg aja mw ktmu, no time, bs aja cm dy malas udah.. so, i better shut up ._.
10 years ago
you know, he can always study at my place. he can meet me, and then study but dont have to really go jalan". sometimes i just think that, im not important to him but he loves me. what??!
10 years ago
yeah.. klo ga ada wktu buat ktmuan, ya ga ush jg kasar gtu kan? mybe he needs time. ga ush ganggu dy lah 2 hr kedepan. dan smpe dy selesai mst..
10 years ago
although, disisi lain.. aku sangat berharap dy jg mw prioritaskan aku. kek aku yg slalu prioritaskan dy. dy ga ada waktu buat ktmuan, bs sweet dikit pas lg chatting.. but i get none. im so stupid rite???