24Friends 11Fans
male Waterloo, ON, Canada
My Avatar captain a team for Relay For Life of Second Life and serve on the organizing committee for Relay For Life of InWorldz for the American Cancer Society. In real life, on the committee for Relay For Life in KW for the Canadian Cancer Society.
BainFinch shares
10 years ago
because of you we have lots to celebrate over this 2014 season of #RelayForLife of #InWorldz, A Future Without Cancer.
BainFinch is
10 years ago 4
devastated at hearing the news a friend is fighting horrible odds given by her doctor for her cancer.
BainFinch asks
10 years ago
did you see the news that virtually every version on Microsoft Internet explorer has a teen tiny itty bitty flaw?
BainFinch says
10 years ago 2
Happy Easter to everybunny!
BainFinch shares
10 years ago 6
a blog post, about the RFL of SL One Team blog spot, for all the bloggers of Relay For Life of Second Life https://advocacyexchange...
BainFinch is
10 years ago 2
thrilled to add 5 more team bloggers to RFL of SL One Team Blogs Spot your one stop for the latest blogs postings of RFLofSL