8Friends 8Fans
female Toccoa, GA, United States
Forever miserable. yay
Bai thinks
8 years ago
It's been so long and I've changed so much. I'm in a good place with people I care for and that I know care for me. I'm no longer a sad school girl, I'm graduating. Oh how things have changed in a year.
Bai says
9 years ago
What it was is what it isn't now #mindfuck
Bai asks
9 years ago
Is there a difference between broken and breaking... Please tell me..
Bai says
9 years ago
Time for a loooooveeeee biiiiiingeeeee
Bai says
9 years ago
We're hot like summer while we're wild like rain. Let me drive you insane
Bai asks
9 years ago
Do you think it's truly possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?
Bai shares
9 years ago
I came here for you, only you, I guess the right love isn't true.
Bai says
9 years ago
It's best to leave when you can't feel shit. I feel so numb.
Bai says
9 years ago
Will I choose hectic life, or will I side eternally with calm death?
Bai says
9 years ago
All the love I once felt has drained from my body. Rather, it has been stolen by the one that placed it there in the first place. Once again I've been left broken and alone.