130Friends 47Fans
female Massachusetts, United States
DW RPer, pretty boring otherwise.

Longest Night: Loki
18 hours ago 10
[LN] tore myself away from Elona long enough to put up a daemon starter for Loki
3 days ago 7
[LN] okay, got a name for Loki's daemon (Far, Old Norse for mischief/malice), now need to pick a species. and then post
4 days ago
imagine making beer for an undergrad class assignment... and when it's done it's so vile that you can't properly describe it without cursing
5 days ago
The Most Beautiful Cat I've Ever Groomed In My's so great to see her have a nice client. even if he makes angry noises
6 days ago 20
[LN] I still need to finalize details like the exact species of corvid and the name, but my plan for Loki's daemon open comment in the log is her stealing random small shiny objects from people and bringing them back to Loki. and I really want one of those objects to be a Starfleet combadge
1 weeks ago
I think I lost some respect for Professor Dave. he had a debate with a pseudoscientist hosted by the Quartering
1 weeks ago
send cold thoughts, we have a heatwave starting tomorrow and lasting the rest of the week
1 weeks ago 2
TIL Vic Mignogna is a Young Earth Creationist
1 weeks ago 2
Elona: my favorite game that I've never completed
1 weeks ago 4
looking for next game to play, tried PokeWilds again. finally getting the hang of it... and there are no move tutors/relearners. yeah I think I'm done until those are implemented