185Friends 67Fans
female Japan
7 years ago 13
i dont understand why people are so rude to me when I have never did anything to anyone ; ~;
7 years ago 3
story times on youtube are so fun to listen to, but the paranormal ones are the best for me. >w<
7 years ago 5
does anyone know how to fix it when the windlight sky settings don't change the background, but just the avatar >< I see shadows on my avi but not the background/scene o;
7 years ago 5
with this and the catwa heads, you'll have a brain and organs xD! Check out this Second Life Marketplace Item! lolol
7 years ago 2
i didnt know groups get capped too ;~; no wonder I havent been receiving my invites, I only knew from the NC I received welcoming me T_T now I wonder how many invites I've missed or they thought I rejected Q_Q
7 years ago
I hate it when I walk into a room and forget why I went there xD
7 years ago 9
>.< been in and out of the hospital practically the entire month :l just personal condition :/ ..anyway sorry for my absence ;~;
7 years ago 10
really want to see that Tarzan movie >o<
8 years ago 4
e-e I keep waking up with strange scratch marks o.0
8 years ago 9
Not sure how to feel after that GOT episode, so many emotions >_<