7 years ago
i dont understand why people are so rude to me when I have never did anything to anyone ; ~;
latest #13
7 years ago
octagonsyazimoto: Like I offer uplifting message to people even strangers , and they return with negative comment. This kemono avi in hangout spot voiced their sadness to everyone publicly
7 years ago
and only reply badly w/me
7 years ago
just makes me confused why. I'm also seeing pattern alot too and of being ignored x-x
7 years ago
octagonsyazimoto: I really feel like maybe to stop being so friendly and just stay quiet...it's always my intention to help or atleast make them feel a little more hopeful but It is just bringing me negativity
7 years ago
awwe >< thankyou
7 years ago
I don't think I can say anything else that ^ said above, It's good to hear uplifting opinions and/or inspirations so much negativity in the world today. Do not let someone make you feel like you did something
7 years ago
wrong when you did what you felt right, you're a good person for even doing that when most would of ignored it. So good for you.
7 years ago
Synnimonbun: thanks, I'll try not to let it get to me Dx
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