12Friends 16Fans
female The City of Angels, Second Life, United States
My Flickr Page: Aryanna Draken
✘ Shy
✘ DJ Extraordinare - Totes Out of Retirement
✘ Playful & Silly
✘ Steadfast Friend
✘ Tongue Twister Champ
✘ Lover of Music
✘ Tease
Aryanna says
8 years ago
IN the car with my daughter, listening to "Stupid Girl" by Garbage and she asks, "Are there any songs about stupid boys?" Yes, darling...plenty...there are plenty. :-P
9 years ago
I just realized that today is my rezzday. I'm 8 years old...OMG. I'm so SLOLD!
10 years ago
Blocked out of SL, yet again with the recent update. Seriously, I should just give up on this game...most of the time it gives me more trouble than joy. :/
10 years ago
2 kids, 3 days into the school year, 2 cases of strep throat. Keeping 'em home tomorrow...err today. I have never had strep in my life...I have feeling I'll be introduced...and soon.
10 years ago 2
One half of my heart boarded a school bus this morning. The other half boarded a school bus 20 minutes ago. I'm so empty without them here. :-( I will be at the bus stop, 30 minutes before they are due home....
10 years ago
Good morning.
10 years ago 5
The apple cake is out of the oven & my house smells amazing. Buttermilk biscuit dough is made & resting in the fridge. Now I'm getting ready to make some homemade pork sausage. Biscuits & gravy for dinner!
10 years ago 4
Just finished making 10 jars of refrigerator pickles. Because soft, limp pickles suck!
10 years ago
Off to sleepy land. Lots of traveling tomorrow with offspring in tow! \o/
10 years ago 3
Dear Ary...go to bed and stop reading books!