132Friends 116Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
35, ColdFusion/Flex developer, founder of great conference things and quester for World Potentate status. Married to armchairangel.
14 years ago 10
shares: took the boat out catfishing last night:
14 years ago 3
When the people closest to you turn out to be trojan horses, the recovery process takes a lot longer than one would ever hope.
14 years ago
My meeting this afternoon went really well… a little stress dumped out of the stressbucket. :-D
14 years ago 5
Why is stress the theme of my life these days? Is it me? It must be me… so then: how do I fix it?
ArmchairDeity thinks
14 years ago
Plurk is messing up again since things that should be showing in my Responded tab AREN'T... silly Plurk!
14 years ago 10
ArmchairDeity hopes
14 years ago 8
that Adobe will take note: Flash Player has exploded on my Mac 3 times in the last week. This time it chewed up 3GB of RAM over lunch! NICE!
ArmchairDeity shares
14 years ago 1
lunch today: 3 cheese tubes (cheddar, flour tortillas, tabasco) and 2 slices of sausage bread with heavy butter. And still less cholesterol
ArmchairDeity thinks
14 years ago
that Hell's Kitchen's Sausage Bread is teh besterest food evar:
14 years ago
I don't get why some days you feel sleepy, some achy, some just fine and some AWESOME! when little about life ever changes...