ArmchairDeity hopes
14 years ago
that Adobe will take note: Flash Player has exploded on my Mac 3 times in the last week. This time it chewed up 3GB of RAM over lunch! NICE!
latest #8
Damn Adobe to hell!
14 years ago
I just wish they'd admit Flash Player has a long ways to go and fix the issues...
webRat says
14 years ago
I wish apple bois would admit that Apple finally just released the hardware APIs to Adobe.
webRat says
14 years ago
After how many years?
14 years ago
Yeah, seriously, Flash works just fine on a PC. Are you using FF? That is my biggest culprit when it comes to RAM, regardless of flash.
14 years ago
I use both Safari and FireFox... however I only seem to have issues with Flash and Safari.
14 years ago
Another solution is to get more RAM :-P
14 years ago
HAH! Right... I already have 4GB in this machine and if I were to add all I'd do is give Flash more RAM to devour.
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