Aprilmae Devin
22Friends 37Fans
female Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Avid Secondlife player, animator deluxe, and all around naughty girl.

Aprilmae Devin shares
11 years ago 1
handy dandy GIMP tutorial for making quick shadows: Gimp Tutorial 2 Shadows
Aprilmae Devin
11 years ago
went out and bought a new computer yesterday. Lord i am a sucker for new laptops. LOL
Aprilmae Devin thinks
11 years ago 14
we could do Strawberry's Meme with the super villianess's :-)
Aprilmae Devin wonders
11 years ago 5
does plurk take away "my emoticons" if your karma drops?
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago 4
sitting at hospital waiting for mum to get out of surgery. She had other shoulder done today.
Aprilmae Devin is
11 years ago 4
back from my cruise to Bahamas. Bitter sweet feeling.
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago 1
well this is great. I am nekkid in some strange sim with a bazillion people around ...Gawdddd
Aprilmae Devin wonders
11 years ago 3
if Second Life is down? I can't log on :-(
Aprilmae Devin wonders
11 years ago 4
if the universe is telling me i need a puter? This is the thrid power supply i have gone through and then tonight GIMP did something really weird.
Aprilmae Devin
11 years ago
went to the movies tonight to see Olympus Has Fallen. For a shot 'em up movie it was rather good. Had some hints/references to 9/11 that i caught along the way.