Aprilmae Devin
22Friends 37Fans
female Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Avid Secondlife player, animator deluxe, and all around naughty girl.

Aprilmae Devin shares
10 years ago
I knew the new Firestorm had some handy dandy new gadgets on the interface for photos but I just found the Youtube video tutorials. Phototools Tutororial: 01 - Interface Introduction
Aprilmae Devin shares
10 years ago 1
IWarp in GIMP. A helpful tutorial. Second Life Photography: How to Liquify using GIMP
Aprilmae Devin is
10 years ago 11
getting ready to release the Marilyn poses. Pics are safe LOL.
Aprilmae Devin shares
10 years ago 2
Watch out! NSFW coming
Aprilmae Devin shares
10 years ago
3 1/2 weeks! Yayyyyyyyyyy. Go me! Go me!
Aprilmae Devin shares
10 years ago 3
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes https://images.plurk.com/xmXF-5cxg1BYIqVzd09psfY3kVO.jpg
Aprilmae Devin has
10 years ago 4
been 77 hours cigarette free. Pheww.. The e-cig is definitely helping. Once i am past the craves for ciggies then will start decreasing my nicotine levels. Feeling good!
Aprilmae Devin has
10 years ago 9
been 24 hours without a real cigarette! Whoo hooo.. Keep up the cheer leading cause i am sure i am gonna need it.
Aprilmae Devin says
10 years ago 6
gimme yer best quotes from True Blood!
Aprilmae Devin is
10 years ago 5
trying to quit smoking. Anyone used the e-cigs to quit?