nick ᯓᱸᯖᱸᯓ
88Friends 6Fans
male Mi, United States
nick★彡 he/him, intp, legal, wasian, asexual, cat lover
—— antipositive from Quotev !!
Diet soda just tastes better in my opinion
“Blah blah blah THE DRAFT”

Right but if we all deny it and go to jail, prisons will be filled with legal aged gen z and millennials and it’ll be fun
What’s with British ppl and baked beans
So bored thanks quotev for fucking up my life
I haven’t thought about Quotev in a while 24 hours but now I’ve ruined it
I haven’t gotten Covid yet, I’m immune
I just spent forever rearranging my room but idk if I like it
Liking men vs also being asexual/aromantic
See I didn’t love quotev, I was on a hiatus for pretty much the entire 2023 and had only come back in February of 2024... but DAWG. NOW, without it, I’m bored as hell... like I had a CHOICE then but now I don’t have a choice, give it back
I’ve spent way too much money since Q shut down... filling the void?