48Friends 163Fans
male Canberra, Australia
Single, White, Bibliophilic Geek. Ensconced in the Library of Solitude.
Anome says
11 years ago 1
Turns out the tendons in my hands are fine. The swelling is nothing particularly dangerous. Not that anyone thought it was.
Anome has
11 years ago
Had a surprisingly early finish to this morning's errands. Tempted to go back home and back to bed.
Anome is
11 years ago
Shocked to discover that JeremyJHardy might possibly display a slight left wing bias in his comedy! #ClearlyNotPayingAttention.
Anome was
11 years ago 3
Surprised by delivery of dumb stuff from Think Geek.
Anome says
11 years ago
So, after my #HancocksHalfHour moment, finally having breakfast and, best of all, TEA!
Anome is
11 years ago
Waiting to get a blood test. Really wish I'd been able to have breakfast. Or at least a cup of TEA!
Anome thinks
11 years ago 2
I may have a problem with ordering stuff off the Internet. Way too much the past couple of days.
Anome thinks
11 years ago
Sergey, if you're worried your mobile phone is emasculating, stop carrying it in your trouser pocket.
Anome says
11 years ago
Dave Allen for Pope THIS time! Pope elevates Cardinals
Anome thinks
11 years ago 2
The scary thing isn't how bad the panpipes playing is, but that people are buying the CDs. They can't actually carry a tune, people!