LaDy haNnie
6Friends 9Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
I am JHOVIE ANN SURDILLA CORPIN. I am kind to others if they are also kind to me, i am not so intelligent but i can be a tough competitor. Beast at times but shy all the time. I appreciate the things and people who surrounds me.
LaDy haNnie says
13 years ago
good day :-D
LaDy haNnie shares
13 years ago
LaDy haNnie says
13 years ago
_-YEaH.... i FaiLEd... BuT aT LEaSt i PassEd..!!... (LOL)
LaDy haNnie says
13 years ago 3
puT yOUr KArms Up in THe Air...!!!!! X-(
LaDy haNnie says
13 years ago
good afternoon guys :-)
LaDy haNnie is
13 years ago
GoinG to Studyy.... BuSy MOde.. TOOOOOTTTTTT.... :'-(:'-(
LaDy haNnie
13 years ago
rEsPEctS the SEnioR PluRkiZens .... (LOL)
LaDy haNnie loves
13 years ago
aLL the PLurKiZens in The PluRk WORLD..!!!!
LaDy haNnie hopes
13 years ago
_-FoR GoD's GuiDanCe For TOmorroW..!!!!
LaDy haNnie hopes
13 years ago
that someone will come along ..... :'-(