So Bye!!!
i'm not going to plurk anymore cos like i have no time so yeah and i dun like to see my karma drop everday i check .
wah today my comp freaking laggy sia
so happy cos the quality is like GREAT!
OMG all of a sudden i dunno who to like more SUPERI SQUALO VOOOIIIIIII OR COLONNELO HEY!
FREAK HER she just like insulted dgm and say all anime are stupid onli khr is nice and the best!!! when it's not !!! *to me*
at people park complex/center got this wig shop.they say if we tell the aunty we still studying maybe can get like $35 and above wig price
muwhahahahaha i'm done!!!
kk i cannot tok le i'm off going to complete something yanyan knows XD *i hope*
Man it's friday and u all seems so active