14Friends 2Fans
female Amsterdam, Netherlands
Angelien was
11 years ago
sat on the edge of the canal, watching as the tourist boats made their way through the intricate web of channels. It was like an art to her.
11 years ago 1
[OOC: I'm sorry for being inactive for so long! There was a discrepancy with our internet provider and it took until now for our internet to return. I'll try to be active to make up for the absence!]
11 years ago 162
sat in an outside cafe near the city centre, sipping on some tea as she people watched. She could sit here all day, as long as the umbrella over her kept the sun from beaming down on her. She didn't know what >
11 years ago 272
[Event] took a break on the edge of a path to rest her feet. She hadn't been able to find the pieces she was looking for, and was running out of rumoured areas.
Angelien was
11 years ago
having a bit of a grumpy day, so she sat herself on her couch and ate away at a tub of ice cream. She hoped that would at least keep her cooled off from the heat which was cooking her in her house.
11 years ago 268
knocked quietly on Denmark's door, stepping back after with a few large gifts in size. She felt guilty for not coming on the actual birthday, but she was unable to make it.
11 years ago
sat on her small couch whilst sketching a quick cityscape. As of late she had been feeling some effects of heat exhaustion and didn't want to risk a further sickness, so she was taking things slow and calm.
11 years ago
stood in her house with a mug of green tea in her hands. She kept her eyes trained on the outside weather, watching as dark clouds started rolling in.
11 years ago 18
[Event] arranged her flowers on a few display tables out side of her shop, hoping it would draw in attention.
11 years ago
[Event] went to take a smoking break, letting her wrists rest from working on her latest canvas. She had worked harder than she realized and might take the rest of the day off.