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male Norman, OK, United States
3 years ago 4
atkascha There's a YouTuber asking me questions about RoninCon; how much do you remember? I'm trying to fill in the gaps in my own memory. Was the one we ran the last one, or was there one more?
3 years ago
This is not a mashup I was expecting... ONE MEOW TIME - YouTube
3 years ago
I want to make sure everyone is being BUTT today.
B - Play some games
U - Drink lots of water
T - Be kind to yourself
T - Trans Rights are Human Rights
3 years ago 5
Geez, it's like the ComicsGate weirdos think Rob Liefeld didn't go far enough...
3 years ago 1
atkascha do you still follow Lego stuff, or did that go out when your workplace got wrecked in that storm? I ask cuz a YouTube channel I follow got sponsored to do a history video to promote the new Colosseum Lego set. The History of the Colosseum (In LEGO!)
3 years ago they dancin'
6 years ago 2
atkascha Does this tag you, or do I just have to hope you'll see this? :B

Anyway, someone said this wild cow (gaur) looked like it was designed by Rob Liefeld, so of course I thought of you.
13 years ago
Fucking blocks, I'm gonna climb the shit out of you!