116Friends 45Fans
female SecondLIfe, United States
I's 2 1/2 years old.. I likes candies, dollies an rainbows! Mys favwites animals ares horsies and kitties. Mys twinny an me ish two peas in pod ^_^ An we gots da bests parents ebbers.
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago
can anyone tell me where this hair is from?
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago 4
I have an older account for secondlife that has a first and last name instead of resident. I no longer want her and am willing to part with her. Please message me if interested.
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago 1
can anyone tell me where the hair the twins in this picture have on is from? https://scontent-ord1-1....
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
anyone know what hair is in this ad? https://slm-assets3.seco...
Angelic❋Amber shares
9 years ago 4
does anyone know where this hat is from?
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
I just put out some stuff at my yard sale including rares I no longer want!!! Second Life Maps
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
I need cute fourth of july outfits.. links or slurls appreciated greatly !
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
So i took scissors to my rl hair and chopped off almost a foot of it just now & i feel liberated from the weight it had before & and hubby says my end results kinda cute
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago 1
Anyone know where this hair in this ad is from? https://slm-assets2.seco...
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
cana nyone tell me wheres to finds this hair in this ad? https://slm-assets1.seco...