Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
I have an older account for secondlife that has a first and last name instead of resident. I no longer want her and am willing to part with her. Please message me if interested.
Simply V
9 years ago
I have so many that I thought of selling but I thought it was against TOS so I never advertised.
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
I just dont want the account anymore.. I never play it and am trying to get rid of it mostly.. And i have seen others sell their accounts so thought nothing of it.
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
especially since it is one of the few that has an actual first and last name instead of resident.
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
plus i'm not seeking rl money either... no point in that. mostly just the few lindens back i had spent on her for skins and such more than anything :-)