116Friends 45Fans
female SecondLIfe, United States
I's 2 1/2 years old.. I likes candies, dollies an rainbows! Mys favwites animals ares horsies and kitties. Mys twinny an me ish two peas in pod ^_^ An we gots da bests parents ebbers.
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
I updated my little yard sale with the new Birdy Chi dog items as well as stuff from this round of woodlands!!! Make sure you take what you buy :-)
Second Life Maps | Misty Acres
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago 2
i"m so sick of gachas.. why cant designers make da cute stuff they make for gachas for normal releases?
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
oo anyone know where i can gets ring pops types rings? I wanna make cute piccy and dunno where find anything like those ats
Angelic❋Amber shares
9 years ago 2
can anyone tell me where this hair is from?
I needs this hair and cant find where it from
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
okay has anyones did da kitty cats 4th birthday hunt? if so pweese can you tell me where to find the first cake in the hunt? i cant find it
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
does anyone know who makes the fat lips avatar add on lips? I wanna get them for mine big self and cannot remember who makes thems
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
could someone give me the correct slurl for da arcade or the of sim shopping spot for the arcade please
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago 1
okay so a long shit but does anyone who has hair form FD like the jupiter hair.. isht hat hair rigged or unrigged mesh? I have a friend who wears a mesh head thats toddleedoo and i trying to help her find out
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago 2
I made a Custom Princess Bracelet for my little store.. its 50L and very much customizable. Transfer and resizeable too!!!
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving :-) Also check out da yardsale i have in sl :-) might find somen ice christmas gifts there to get a head start on shopping :-) Second Life Maps | Misty Acres