Lauren's Ghost
216Friends 196Fans
female Toms River, NJ, United States
There's got to be a moral to my life story in there somewhere.
Lauren's Ghost
7 years ago 1
Fuck being a good Samaritan. I ain't ever going to help strangers again! "Good Samaritan" mistaken for kidnapper while trying...
Lauren's Ghost
7 years ago
Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
Lauren's Ghost
7 years ago
Lauren's Ghost
8 years ago
Sometimes I'd be better off getting a supermarket cake from the freezer aisle than some overrated bakery with stale cakes and shitty service.
Lauren's Ghost
9 years ago
Maybe the cancer came from all that preprocessed semi-homemade food? #NoShit #SandraLee
Sandra Lee, TV Host and Gov. Cuomo’s Girlfriend, Has Breast Cance...
Lauren's Ghost
10 years ago
I am so done with life. Now simply waiting to die.