2Friends 0Fans
female Ocean City, MD, United States
12 years ago
march has sucked ass so far. my cat merlin has cancer. wish him luck as he starts chemo and prednisone monday
13 years ago 2
moving back to seattle..... nov 2 i get on a train( more civilized then cattle class in the air) and make my way to seattle.
14 years ago 2
I am running ubuntu. and i LOOOOOOVE IT
14 years ago 2
i swear dodge has no sense of adventure ...offered pics.... all i got was NOT PICTURES mental images... *rolls her eyes*
14 years ago 2
well moved back to MD temporarily. no living in oc.
14 years ago 5
what can i say you can teach a young dog new tricks... or at least how to be a bit more ... erm... assertive :-D
14 years ago 1
a tad more then peeved, more hurt and peeved
14 years ago
gotta love that when you put your heart out there to someone, that says they love you, all you get is 'yeah i saw it'....
14 years ago 4
muhahahaha I am EVIL. set the security orb to dectect and found people wandering on my poperty. SO i set it to tp anyone home in 10 seconds
14 years ago 2
ya now what freakin well sucks, logging into SL and finding the skin your avi has been wearing missing. I WAS GRA :-oY!!