Ali Moxie
119Friends 203Fans
female Second life
Second Life scripter, builder, resident, time traveller.

Looking for fun things to do.
Ali Moxie is
13 years ago 2
so ready for the day to be over.
Ali Moxie
13 years ago
My stupid Vonage box just kept me from getting work calls at home. Awesome!
Ali Moxie
13 years ago 2
Hmmm, Outlaw Star is not on streaming on Netflix
Ali Moxie shares
13 years ago 2
Avril Lavigne - What The HellAvril Lavigne - What The Hell
One of those songs where you are embarrassed if your headphones come off.
Ali Moxie
13 years ago 2
woo hoo, I get to tell people their project is not feasible at all
Ali Moxie
13 years ago 3
I live in a rainforest, but today, for whatever reason, it stopped raining. I think I'm going to stop talking about it.
Ali Moxie has
13 years ago 4
been out of SL for so long, feels odd
Ali Moxie is
13 years ago 6
waving to the Plurk world.