27Friends 64Fans
female Warren, OH, United States
I'm a crazy obsessive fangirl who's nice until you piss me off. I firmly believe in the saying They like me, cool; they don't, screw 'em. I'm a Christian but DON'T shove it down my throat or I'll shank you shank shank bye! Plurk me
12 years ago 6
Apparently Anthony broke up with his sister so she's moving out... yep
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 10
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 21
my life right now
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 7
A wee little Picspam...
Don'tGiveADamn shares
12 years ago 5
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 7
You will NEVER believe this... (Zombie Apocalypse -related
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 3
Went to DEBs, got my Prom dress and shoes. My dress is Blue and Black with a flower on it.
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 4
Just saw this and started dyin': "I'm not fat. My stomach is 3D!" (rofl)
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 5
Judy wrote Awstin's obituary today, it was nice... She even included the Make a Wish Foundation letting him see John Cena.
Don'tGiveADamn says
12 years ago 5
I hate this feeling... I wish I could just wake up and that excited little boy would still be here.