7Friends 7Fans
female Medina, OH, United States
Alecia Iadyl - Little - Daughter to Shay/Jennah Granddaughter to Kat.
Hope Pelliot - Big - Daughter to Shay/Jenneh Granddaughter to Kat.
And I finally emerged from my depression! Yaay!
I hate waking up with a dry throat/mouth.
≡Δℓɛcιa≈Ħσρɛ≡ shares
11 years ago 4
I can't decide, with or without bowties? ;/
Jamming out to Britney spears. Life is good. :-D
WEWT! We FINNALLY found a place that delivers pizza to our place. We ordered pizza, so happy. Yaay
Whatsapp is not working for me no matter what I try, so. if ya'll have KIK my username is Pandanikki :-D
I found my ipod touch so now I can install whatsapp so I can text momma, and gramma, and peoples! wewt
Just got home from the dentist. My mouf is numb. I cant smile, and I randomly twitch.
≡Δℓɛcιa≈Ħσρɛ≡ shares
11 years ago 3
Working on the ad for this puppie! Wewt.