10Friends 5Fans
male Pawtucket, RI, United States
You don't really need to know that much about me.
Ahrin wants
15 years ago 2
the to buy the goggles Trent Reznor wears in the "Closer" video for Andy... :-(
15 years ago 2
va aller à Quebec en deux mois avec mon petit ami <3 Je ne veux pas patieeeent~ :-D
Ahrin has
15 years ago
nothing interesting to say, once again. Dull weekend so far, and I'm okay with that.
Ahrin is
15 years ago 1
kind of glad he stayed home from school today. ;-)
Ahrin has
15 years ago
nothing to report (annoyed)
Ahrin is
15 years ago 2
about to go to the next MSI show today in New Haven... Yay? D<
15 years ago
had an incredible time seeing Tubring and MSI! Leathermouth were okay, but not too original... Can't wait until Sunday to see them all AGAIN
Ahrin is
15 years ago 3
very angry at Angel right now... If we don't get to go to that show on Sunday... X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-(
Ahrin loves
15 years ago
songs of win. "Seek and Destroy" by Agent Orange, Metallica cover, and "Tangerine Speedo" by Caviar. (goodluck)
Ahrin thinks
15 years ago
the world felt dead for a moment, there (unsure)