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AgniNurlaila needs
12 years ago
wahh disini sepi yahh :-(
AgniNurlaila needs
12 years ago
semangat ; temanku beri aku semangat yahh.. untuk ujian besok :-)
AgniNurlaila berbagi
12 years ago
keadaan kelas ku hehehehehehehe ---> https://images.plurk.com/3b6f3ce54b729ac4adec34b88d2531e9.jpg
AgniNurlaila berharap
12 years ago
berharap banget dapet nilai 100 untuk ulangan IPS
AgniNurlaila berharap
12 years ago
semoga aja ulangan besok mudah g susah ribet banget nihh X-( aduhh IPS lagi udah aja puyeng #hufft
AgniNurlaila suka
12 years ago
huffft malu :-(
AgniNurlaila suka
12 years ago
hari ini libur hehehe senangnya aku :-D
AgniNurlaila suka
12 years ago
Good morning all ;-)
AgniNurlaila suka
12 years ago
(woot) hehehehe
AgniNurlaila sedang
12 years ago
every day there are people who would be born into the world and every day there must be people who leave this world :-)