Just Gravity
14Friends 5Fans
male Taichung, Taiwan
Just Gravity
13 years ago
Just Gravity
13 years ago
啊!! 翻譯之亂都被刪了..好可惜 鄉民們臥虎藏龍
Just Gravity
13 years ago
手機還是打跟接的功能最常用也最實用吧~! 當你們在捷運上瞪著、滑弄著自己手上的觸控科技小玩具時,何不先閉上眼睛,再睜開看看周遭世界,這一瞬這一秒間即逝的光與影?
Just Gravity
13 years ago
"What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome." Pathetic!
Just Gravity
13 years ago
"Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders."
Just Gravity
13 years ago
Just Gravity
13 years ago
Things are not seen to be like this. Fuck.
Just Gravity
13 years ago
我現在的情況、行為動作有點像是"The Social Network"的Ending
Just Gravity 分享
13 years ago
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." ~Oscar Wilde
Just Gravity
13 years ago
"This is our time!!"