139Friends 175Fans
female OK, United States
Blogger. RPer. Occasionally intellectual. Mostly a goof.
Adaire is
15 years ago 1
going to start sharing her somewhat useless knowledge in the form of "Good To Know Legal Tips." Some stuff in the law is just plain amusing.
Adaire is
15 years ago 4
having SL fashion news withdrawl being so absorbed in her new summer job. Anything cool come out or happen?
Adaire is
15 years ago 2
suffering from a mean case of insomnia. :-&
Adaire is
15 years ago 2
sad her new job, while interesting, requires her to use her legal brain non-stop. :-&
Adaire wonders
15 years ago 1
what people would say about her -
Adaire wonders
15 years ago 5
if bois really want bjs left & right, or is it better to be a tease? Poor GG. I'm doing the tease routine instead of the bjs, rofl.
Adaire asks
15 years ago 10
am I a hypocrite if I think the freebie culture has gotten way out of control, and yet blog for Free*Style? I do try to mix in full price...