Adaire asks
15 years ago
am I a hypocrite if I think the freebie culture has gotten way out of control, and yet blog for Free*Style? I do try to mix in full price...
latest #10
moo Money says
15 years ago
No. Free*Style is an appreciation of freebies. When freebies need their own monthly magazine or 10-20 daily posts, it's out of control!
Adaire says
15 years ago
agreed! And srsly, I spend way too much on full price items, but gladly. Generation entitlement has struck in SL!
Adaire says
15 years ago
luckily I think I squeak into Gen X, lol
Ivey says
15 years ago
I agree with moo, Freestyle has always presented great freebies and encouraged shopping too.
15 years ago
yeah. i don't think it's hypocracy. all things are good in moderation. No freebies is as rediculious as too many freebies
Stephanie says
15 years ago
I suspect most of generation entitlement in SL would be aged between 12 and 17.
15 years ago
Nope Adaire I don't think so at all. There's a difference between a nice generous gift (I'm always grateful for them) and feeling entitled
15 years ago
and all things are better in moderation :-)
Persephone says
15 years ago
Adaire I am just as likely to go buy the non-freebie stuff you show as well as the freebie. You have great taste.
Adaire says
15 years ago
Awws, thanks Persephone :-D
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