If I don't laugh at your joke, its not a joke anymore. Its not funny.
Most of the time, when I think of you, I'll get pissed. But, why am I thinking about you?!
Mulut tak habis2 nak bising. Sial.
can i like, get out of this fucking house asap?
Your words wont tear me apart. Quit PMS-ing. Its not like the end of the world. Loser. Motherfucker. You're really pissing me off.
What's up with people? Like yeah, I know you've got a fucking problem but you're not the only person in this world. Dont show me ur attitude
Small people doesn't mean that they have small hearts. Big people doesn't mean that they have big hearts.
Its not my fucking problem that you're tired. At least, give me some credits that I actually did half of the housework. Fuck you la kanina.
Only me and brother is at home. Expected attitude when my mum comes home: " why is the house is in a mess?" Erm, I just washed the dishes?