192Friends 111Fans
female Pirate Point Break, Second Life/Pacific NW, United States
AZE Jewelry Designs is my SL store, on lovely Pirate Point Break! And there's gonna be more and more mesh.
10 years ago 5
guys (pops head up) I'm so lost in Skyrim right now, pffft - just wanted to say hi!
10 years ago 4
Good morning everyone!!
10 years ago
I know it's kinda a nasty pic, but I think this may be part why am having toe trouble - 7 years on toe shoes (I danced A LOT).
10 years ago
Hi I have turf toe - maybe. Got referred to a podiatrist. Ice & ibuprofen for now. Oh & I got to keep my foot. \o/
10 years ago
Rip City
10 years ago 2
Got some Voodoo...
10 years ago
So! Here's to the power of decluttering - I finally have cleared kitchen counters. It feels so...freeing!
AZEAmilia 分享
10 years ago 3
Hey Taisynn - this is one confused chicken:
10 years ago 1
Ok, three more hours, but after surf n turf, not sure if I'm gonna make it. Bring on the food coma and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
10 years ago 3
Happy New Year to all! (Waves at Australia, let's keep the ball rolling!) We've got 18 hours or so still here to wait, but it's 2015 somewhere!