a bit of a cold today. Of course. Shouldn't get in the way of the holiday, however.
off to play a game that 8yo learned in school today. She is so excited - I need to thank her teacher tomorrow.
all caught up on grading! He is hoping for a work-free holiday, but has to plan for sub next week. Ugh.
back rested and ready to take on Tuesday! Good morning Plurkworld. Have a wonderful day!
spent way too much time playing around with his plurkpage. He is off to bed. G'Night Plurkworld.
to decide if he is going to continue watching "Friday Night Lights" or let it go.
amazed and a bit scared. 12yo cleaned her room with no nagging, begging, or bribing.
there is still some common ground that we can agree on politically and socially. Wishful thinking?
the 10 conservative principles and public policies of which you must agree to be considered for Party support (8 of 10 would still be okay):