AJRath is
15 years ago
off to play a game that 8yo learned in school today. She is so excited - I need to thank her teacher tomorrow.
latest #7
ivyedie says
15 years ago
how sweet! Share the game with us!
Loonyhiker says
15 years ago
that is wonderful that she is excited about learning and sharing
AJRath says
15 years ago
the game was fun! The teacher built one of those "take away" games around a Native American theme.
AJRath says
15 years ago
You know those games that have a certain number of _____. Then you can take 1 or 2 away at a time until someone is stuck with the last one.
AJRath says
15 years ago
We played that, but we had to make cards with Native American supplies / tools. And we had to "bet" something each game.
AJRath says
15 years ago
You had to describe the item, and tell why you could afford to lose this item before the others you had left. It was a great discussion.
ivyedie says
15 years ago
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