4Friends 10Fans
female Jacksonville, FL, United States
My website is 3bagsfull.net
and my blog is 3bagsfull.net/blog.htm
I enjoy crafting, working on my craft business, and helping others with their craft businesses
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
trying to figure out what I am gonna blog about
3bagsfull is
15 years ago 1
you can send private plurks too
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
the numbers by the post means you got a cment
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
hey lemondrop - welcome aboard
3bagsfull is
15 years ago 3
hello new etsiers. take a look around
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
(LOL)I am hoping the new etsy plurkers find me
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
I put a post on the fora - we'll see what happens
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
gonna see if anyone wants to plurk on etsy
3bagsfull is
15 years ago
I put an invite on etsy. wondering if it works
3bagsfull is
15 years ago 1
hoping that my etsy friends will find me here