38Friends 103Fans
female Mankato, KS, United States
School district administrator in North Central Kansas, year one. Passionate about leading staff to continue to develop professionally and to truly engage students in 21st century learning.
Nadine shares
13 years ago
check this out! $50 Wiimote Smartboard Pt .1(inexpensive smart board)
Nadine says
13 years ago
parent-teacher conferences are over!
Nadine says
13 years ago 1
Good morning,everyone!
Nadine says
13 years ago
Goodnight, Plurk friends.
Nadine says
13 years ago
Nearly a year since I've been on Plurk. Hello again, everyone!
Nadine says
14 years ago
Ed Leadership Oct. 2005--great articles on reading comprehension
Nadine says
14 years ago 2
has anyone read February Educational Leadership?
Nadine says
14 years ago
60 Minutes rocks!
Nadine says
14 years ago 3
it's been months! Time to plurk again.
Nadine says
14 years ago 1
'night all.