92Friends 18Fans
male Binondo, Philippines
... says
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
I promise!
I will do my best to also forget your existence. As you did to me. It's really time to move on. :-)
... says
4 years ago
Looking back to the efforts I've exerted before. I realized. I've made too much for the people around me. People who I thought I'd matter to. I guess people just do remember all the bad things I made. And never the good things I once did. To those people who made me felt I don't matter. Its time. To say good bye to you. Hope you well and enjoy my absence.
5 years ago
Its hard that you're trying to be the good person yet evryone makes you feel you're a shit. :|
7 years ago
its nearing 5 yrs since u left..
we may have not had a good relationship in your last years.. but evrytime i would be reminded of you thru memories or your friends.. it makes me miss you soo bad.
wished that all theses years is just a dream. n u are still alive :-((
... says
7 years ago
Evryone is busy in their own ways.. but no matter how busy i am, i make it sure that i make time to check on my friends.. but there are friends who'd use being busy as their lame excuse. to them: sorry guys if i decide to cut off our friendship. coz its what you want, just doing you guys a favor.. :-)
7 years ago
its been a while since we chat for long...
... says
7 years ago
come on.. malapit na board.. lagi pa q gngwan ng issue.. -_- wlang awa
8 years ago
已经离开四年六天,我们已经四年八天没见了突然很想很想见您,跟您聊天。但已经没有机会了。 爸!对不起。我好想念您 :'-( (cry)
10 years ago
i don't really get y there should be GA that requires evry class to participate...-__- :/ magtatawag ng practice 90% ng prac tambay.. nakakairita lng :/
... says
10 years ago
When you know your purpose in life.. maybe.. life might be easier to live.. still wondering... WHAT IS MY PURPOSE IN LIFE..? (lonely) (scenic) (thinking)