3Friends 4Fans
male San Fernando, Philippines
-thEy uSed t0 caLL me "t0paz"
-i'm jUSt a simple guy yEt s0 ordinaRy..
-i'm petite.. yaH.. but dfiNiteLy a cute 0ne..
-l0vE t0 hang oUt with my "friEnds"..
-wAt u sEe iN me iS jUs a rEfLectiOn oF wAt u R!
-im aLwayS bEing
2pie says
12 years ago
nyt nyt
2pie says
13 years ago
late lunch almost 2pm.
2pie wants
13 years ago
have a good evening to everyone
2pie wants
13 years ago
to smoke heheh..
2pie is
13 years ago
galve for being my fanthank you anne
2pie is
13 years ago