25Friends 39Fans
female Vienna, Austria
14 years ago 1
Happy 2011 Blackjacks!
Admin is
14 years ago
really sorry about the delayed updates recently. The admins are really busy with school and work!
Admin says
14 years ago
YG is getting later with his MV releases!
Admin asks
14 years ago 5
how many of you use Twitter as well?
14 years ago
apologises for the delayed updates recently. Your admins had been really busy with work and school.
Admin says
14 years ago
seems like 2NE1TV season 2 is really postponed. :-(
14 years ago 2
2NE1's fellow YG mate, Taeyang, has Twitter now! Those of you with Twitter accounts, do follow him here!
14 years ago 2
Let's congratulate YG, Yang Hyun Suk, and his wife, Lee Eun Joo, on their newly born daughter!
Admin says
14 years ago 2
2NE1TV has been pushed back to August 10! 10 more days and we'll be able to see our girls! Who is excited for it? :-P
Admin says
14 years ago
Blackjacks, we'll wait for 2NE1TV and their comeback patiently alright! ;-) 2NE1 NOLJJA!