71Friends 53Fans
female Taoyüan, Taiwan
26小糾被三催四請 最後加plurk的女幹部…



做給看不起的人看 不該只有點能力。
26bird says
10 years ago 4
對於家人,我最不想承認的是 我只能哭, 笑也是徨徬無助的笑…
最想承認的是 我愛他們每一個人
26bird says
10 years ago
appreciate that you say i deserve to have a happiness life
26bird says
10 years ago
never say and never get
26bird says
10 years ago
I have to be certainly clear about that, " I am the alone one, but it is fine."
26bird says
11 years ago
i guess it is all a try, a experiment! To check how does work if i do more consideration to people or more rely on my colleagues, will our hospitality get better and better?
will be seen!
26bird says
11 years ago 1
往事不要再提 人生已多風雨…
26bird says
11 years ago 3
26bird says
11 years ago 1
重拾法文課… 只覺得能說 會說 敢說英文多麼幸福呀…
耳朵進法文 腦中想英文 口出英文了 (啊)
好險 大學時代我有乖乖唸 沒被當掉 !
26bird says
11 years ago
that's a kind of ...pretty hard thing to go through it, isn't it?
In fact, it is a life that we are all alive in this moment, we probably can't skip it, but we can do is to live better on your own!
26bird says
11 years ago 5
看他人的狀態 我感到自己的渺小和過度在乎了