88Friends 211Fans
female Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
20_ says
8 years ago 5
i guess it's ok to like your own photos on fb or else you wouldn't have posted it up right (griltongue)
20_ says
8 years ago 5
i survived the week! :'-( it was the longest 5 days ever
20_ says
8 years ago 9
no like the new plurk updates :-(
20_ says
8 years ago 2
i sunk into my mattress and became part of it
20_ says
8 years ago 6
so happy today cos i get to leave work 7.10pm when the sky is still not dark yet!!
20_ says
8 years ago 3
done my homework.. ready to go to school tomorrow :-&
20_ feels
8 years ago 6
a bit jealous (unsure) which i shouldn't laaa
20_ says
8 years ago 3
trying to prolong my weekends by staying awake (:
20_ says
8 years ago 14
i shall rant more about work since i need it and karma is going downnn.. killing two birds with one stone
20_ says
8 years ago 6
im addicted to this drama rawr I Remember You (2015)