492Friends 695Fans
female Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
If ever that person will be gone, I would find it hard to breath. Exactly I love you, but I should be careful in the maze of the magical thing called- love. I mean, Seriously?
marnessstacey♥ says
11 years ago 5
marnessstacey♥ says
11 years ago 10
Class will resume tomorrow. UNFORTUNATELY. (unsure)
marnessstacey♥ says
11 years ago 7
Happy New Year!
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 8
Be happy this holiday season plurkers! (dance)
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 8
Life is like making tea. Boil your ego, evaporate your thoughts, dilute your sorrows, filter your mistakes and get a taste of happiness.
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 8
There are multiple sides to all of us. Who we are, and who we might be if we follow our dreams.
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 8
Hiding your feelings isn't the easy way out, but sometimes it's the only thing you can do. Aww (music)
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 10
Dream of them? Chase them☻
12 years ago 9
Good eve plurkers!
marnessstacey♥ says
12 years ago 18
I know you were trouble (music)