7Friends 6Fans
14thavenue says
14 years ago
Everyone is bashing Sezairi. But come on, he didn't ask to win.
14thavenue says
14 years ago
I-AM-HUNGRY. T.T Was supposed to go Supper today. But mummy got stomachache. So never go ): IM STARVING NAOZX.
14thavenue says
14 years ago
fuck that guy that wanted to give me a $500 fine -.- Please lah. I haven't even enter the train you want give me fine for drinking. Wtf lah.
14thavenue says
14 years ago
knn. Gen not coming -.- Zzz.
14thavenue says
14 years ago
Meeting Gen & Muna at 10AM . Gonna finish up homework at library and we're off to Bugis ! :-D
14thavenue says
14 years ago
Elephants are microwaves :-D
14thavenue says
14 years ago
Annoying Orange pwns !
14thavenue says
14 years ago
going Library tomorrow to finish homework ^^
14thavenue says
14 years ago
8 DAYS YO! And I have yet to finish my homework. I am NOT prepared to go Sec 2 T.T
14thavenue says
14 years ago
grats to SNSD for winning 6 awards during the MMA's :-D I just wonder why SHINee didn't win anything :'-(