27Friends 142Fans
female Metro, Indonesia
I was the second of two brothers.I was not easy people to get along.new skalau knew I was shy, but talkative when I know, I aspire to be one that can my parents happy and the people who loved me sincerely.
010708 rasa
15 years ago 3
010708 rasa
15 years ago
sebelll... ;-)
010708 benci
15 years ago
010708 benci
15 years ago
010708 berharap
15 years ago
aga'na mao ujand..))
010708 wonders
15 years ago
bungunk :-(
010708 sedang
15 years ago
hai mua na.................... :-)
010708 sedang
15 years ago
010708 sedang
15 years ago
huffff bete'gx ada respon
010708 sedang
15 years ago